terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2014

Grammy's 2014 Red Carpet Review

Do's and don'ts of the red carpet of the Grammy's 2014:  for some reason, in my opinion, a lot of people messed up in their choices for an event this big, choosing something not that made to make it to the worst dressed list; but something rather casual for a red carpet of this proportion. About the best dressed list some not-that-famous names appeared and for me thats great,  "new" people rocking their gowns in this new year.

Best Dressed:


                                                                           Iggy Azalea

Taylor Swift


Colbie Caillat

Katie Peterson

Adrienne Lau

Brooklyn Haley

Tamar Braxton

Holly Ridings

Worst Dressed:

too short

Paula Patton
too much zebra

Cyndi Lauper
batman called and he wants his cape back

Jennifer Gasoi
too many 3D flowers

Kacey Musgrames
In some weird way, I actually like it, but it has too much info for only one dress, you know what I mean?

quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

New Year/ New Promises

Hey girls, I broke my last promise of posting about the VS Fashion Show, but I hope you guys understand, because these time of the year its super rushed.  But I included having more free time for my blog on my new years resolutions, and I hope to accomplish my wishes. I wish you all a happy new year with a lot of happiness, romance and time for you to do whatever you want; how did you guys spend your New Years Eve? As some of you already know I live in Rio, and spent mine in Copacabana with a friend, it was super fun, and the view of the fireworks was amazing!!

Oi meninas, eu infelizmente quebrei a minha última promessa de escrever um post sobre o VS Fashion Show, mas eu espero que vocês entendam, essa época do ano é super corrida. Mas pelo menos incluí nos meus desejos de ano novo ter mais tempo pra dedicar ao blog em 2014, e esse ano eu realmente espero conseguir cumprir esses desejos. Eu desejo que vocês tenham um ano maravilhoso, com muito amor, alegria, e muito, muito tempo pra vocês dedicarem ao que realmente gostem! Como voces passaram o réveillon de voces?? Como talvez algumas de vocês já saibam, eu moro no Rio, e eu passei o réveillon em copa com uma amiga, e foi maravilhoso, sem contar com a vista maravilhosa dos fogos!!

skirt: John John
top: dress to

saia: John John
blusa: dress to

instagram: @thaliboruchovitch

From fireworks till dawn, we stayed up to see the sun rise and and guess what? It was all worth it, happy 2014 girls!!!!!

Viramos a noite pra poder ver o primeiro sol de 2014 nascer, e realmente valeu a pena!! Feliz ano novo meninas!!!