quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2013

Vogue Fashion's Night Out 2013

Hi guys, sorry for not posting these last couple of weeks, I had so many things to do!! But changing the subject, yesterday it was the Vogue Fashion's Night Out 2013 Rio, and I went to the Fashion Mall to check out the event. It was really nice, a lot of stores had cute treats, there was music, and a lot of well dressed people!!! I went with a friend of mine, and there we met up with other girls, it was really fun and I plan attending it again next year!

Oi meninas, desculpa por não ter postado nessas ultimas semanas, eu tava cheia de coisas pra resolver, desculpa mesmo!! Mas mudando de assunto, ontem foi o Vogue Fashion's Night Out 2013 Rio, e eu resolvi dar uma passadinha no Fashion Mall pra conferir o evento. Foi super legal, varias lojas tinham coisinhas pra comer ou beber, tinha uma musica rolando, e tinha muita gente bem vestida hahaha!! Eu fui com uma amiga minha e lá a gente encontrou outras amigas, foi muito divertido, e eu pretendo ir de novo ano que vem, o evento bombou!!

Cupcakes at/na  Bisi

How sweet is this? They were giving it out for people that were wearing Shutz shoes!!
Gente olha que fofo, tavam dando essa capinhas pra quem estivesse usando sapato da Shutz!

I was wearing:
Eu usei:
Shirt/Camisa~ FARM
Jeans~ FYI